hCore also provides you to create your custom scoreboard.
For starting, you need to create scoreboard.
For example, you can use this method:
WIll delete the scoreboard.
Returns player which have this scoreboard.
HScoreboard#setTitle(String title)
Changes the title of scoreboard.
HScoreboard#setLine(int line, String content)
Changes the provided line by number to new content.
HScoreboard#setLines(String... lines)
Changes full content of scoreboard to provided.
HScoreboard#expire(int ticks)
Scoreboard will be automatically deleted after provided ticks. 1 second = 20 ticks.
HScoreboard#update(int interval, Consumer<HScoreboard> consumer)
Scoreboard will be automatically call provided consumer with provided interval in ticks.
Shows the scoreboard to player.
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