hCore allows you to create your custom commands without any editing plugin.yml.
Firstly, you need to create your command class.
Example code for ready command class:
import com.hakan.core.command.executors.base.BaseCommand;
import com.hakan.core.command.executors.placeholder.Placeholder;
import com.hakan.core.command.executors.sub.SubCommand;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
aliases = { "alias" } /* Aliases means like what label you need to use for this command*/,
name = "example command",
usage = "/customcommand",
description = "This is the description of the custom command"
public class CustomCommand {
permission = "needed.permission",
permissionMessage = "§cYou have no perms for using this command!"
public void mainCommand(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
sender.sendMessage("You used main command without any args! You also can use /alias for calling this command");
// After executing this command sender will get message if player is currently online or offline
permission = "online.check",
args = { "<%player%>" }
public void checkOnlineCommand(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
sender.sendMessage("Player is currently " + (Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(args[0]).isOnline() ? "online" : "offline"));
/* Placeholders allows you to add how many u want tab completions (in this situation is player names) */
name = "player"
public List<String> getPlayers() {
return Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().map(player -> player.name);
What is it?
Placeholders allows you to add a lot of args by using one method. So, you can add placeholder for anything you can imagine. For example: Loaded world names, Online players, Ready Values (100, 200, 300), e.t.c.
SubCommand means arguments. You can provide permission to use this command and noPermission message.
You can also provide placeholders, using <%placeholderName%>, and arguments.
Ending working with commands
After u created class, you need to register command. So, use the HCore#registerCommands(new YourCommandClass())